Connecting IoT Devices To Cloud In Safe Way
Thales and Telstra are working with Microsoft and Arduino to pave the way for scalable security for connected IoT devices, by implementing a solution that enables trusted and secure end-to-end communication between device and cloud。
Within the IoT ecosystem, billions of devices collect, process and send data to the cloud, where a range of different IoT services are executed。
To enable security, the IoT cloud service must have absolute trust in data received from connected devices。
Equally, devices need to trust the cloud。 This is only possible if the device and server are mutually authenticated。
However, the IoT devices market is so fragmented - with a patchwork of different operating systems and chips being utilised - that security services scalability and duplication are very limited。
Thats why Thales, Telstra, Microsoft and Arduino decided to team up to work on a solution that addresses the challenge of securely and efficiently connecting IoT devices to clouds in the most simplified way and through cellular networks。
该解决方案通过蜂窝网络在设备与云平台之间进行即时且标准化的相互认证,同时完全符合GSMA IoT SAFE安全规范。
The solution enables instant and standardised mutual authentication between a device and a cloud platform via cellular networks, while fully-complying with GSMA IoT SAFE security specifications。
Successful Launch For Airbus Bartolomeo
The Airbus built Bartolomeo platform has been successfully launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, US。 Bartolomeo is now on
its journey to the International Space Station (ISS) and will be installed outside of the Columbus Laboratory, the European module of the ISS built by Airbus。
This unique platform will offer new and affordable Earth observation applications and give companies and research institutions the unique opportunity to explore their project quickly and easily in space。
The platform can host up to 12 different payload slots, providing them with a power supply and data transmission back to Earth。
The payload accommodation allows slots for a wide range of payload mass going from 5 to 450 kg。 They will be provided with optical data downlink capacity of one to two Terabytes per day。
Not only does this provide opportunities for Earth observation, but also environmental and climate research, robotics, material sciences, astrophysics or to test new technologies in space, paving the way for their commercialisation。
In just 12 months any payload can be prepared and ready to operate。
Toilet Paper Stocking Up Now Could Hurt Future Sales
据外媒报道,卫生纸已成为抢购的终极象征; 它似乎是一上市就被抢购一空。
Toilet paper has a become the ultimate symbol of the panic buying; its seemingly scooped up as soon as new rolls hit the shelves。
Companies that help supply these everyday paper products are stunned and trying to adjust to this rapidly evolving new normal in consumer behavior。
Theyre faced with tradeoffs。 Many were already operating their manufacturing facilities 24/7 prior to the pandemic。
“If you ask me why everyone is grabbing toilet paper, I cant really explain it,” said Tom Sellars, CEO of Sellars Absorbent Materials in Milwaukee, Wisconsin。
His company is a processor and converter of paper and related products。 “Its not like we are suddenly using more of it。 But the surge in demand could strain the supply chain,” he said。
Georgia Pacific, the maker of toilet paper, said that last week, some orders from retailers nearly doubled。
The company managed to ship out 20% more than its normal capacity。 And the American Forest & Paper Association, an industry group representing paper product makers, noted the industry is working hard to respond to the sudden spike in demand。
But the situation has also raised concerns among toilet paper makers that stocking up now could eventually hurt sales down the road。
Carphone Warehouse Shops To Close Permanently
据外媒报道,欧洲最大的消费电子和电信零售商Dixons Carphone将裁员近3000人,计划关闭其全部531家门店。
Dixons Carphone will cut nearly 3,000 jobs under plans to close all 531 of its Carphone Warehouse stores。
The shops will close permanently on April 3。 About 40pc of staff will be redeployed to other sites, but up to 2,900 positions will be lost。
Dixons Carphone表示,关闭的门店约占其总销售空间的8%。Carphone Warehouse品牌将继续在其更大的零售网站上享有特许权。
Dixons Carphone said the closed stores represented around 8pc of its total selling space。 The Carphone Warehouse brand will live on in concessions at its larger Curry PC World sites。
Shares soared by a fifth to 74p despite the wider declines on the London market。
关键词: 科技投资市场
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